Toys For Tots at Pacific Raceways

nw-toy-drive-12-4-16-23304 Dec 2016 Kent, WA – Each December the Pacific Raceways property plays host to some very generous people. The annual NW Toy Drive benefiting Toys for Tots is sponsored by Lexus of Bellevue and the O’Brian Auto Group, and thousands of folks brought their un-wrapped gifts or cash donation for the Marine Corps Reserve program.

nw-toy-drive-12-4-16-100Combine this with holiday music covering the many cars out for the car show gathering. Out on the 2.25 mile track a “lead/follow” program overseen by ProFormance Racing School was giving those who take part an idea of what it feels like to drive a road course.

nw-toy-drive-12-4-16-70In the house, Santa and his helpers were on hand accepting gifts and posing for pictures, also on hand passing out candy canes was Ed Troyer from the Pierce County Toys for Tots program.

nw-toy-drive-12-4-16-163Every year that I have covered this event it has gotten bigger and bigger thus proving the generosity of the NW to those in need. This year exceeded last year’s total in boxes of toys and those taking part in the lead/follow.

nw-toy-drive-12-4-16-510nw-toy-drive-12-4-16-43Great job by all those involved as it takes many to help bring it together each year. Till next year Happy Holidays to all.

Images of all the fun are now available – click here to go to the photo album.
