Bremerton Raceway Winner’s Banquet

Bremerton Raceway Banquit  12-6-14 00106 Dec 2014 Bremerton, WA – This season’s banquet had three phases, food, awards, and then questions. Great food prepared by many started the night. I have to admit that many choices of food can fill your plate before the end of the line. As the food vanished the night moved on to the main reason for everyone being there, to hand out the well-earned awards.

Mixed in-between door prizes kept everyone looking at their tickets, as some prizes were very timely for racing operations. The end of the night brought the questions about Bremerton’s next season as developers are changing the landscape. With a lot of unknowns with too many items the season is now how to get around it and have a season. Keep up with Bremerton’s web site for more information.

Images of all the awards, and fun are now available – click here.