10th Annual Women’s Day At Pacific Raceways – July 23rd, 2015

10th Annual Women's Day 7-23-15 50223 July 2015 Kent, WA – This day was for the women driver’s to enjoy the thrill of pushing their cars as fast as they dare in a safe manner and under control. Some were very experienced, and some were novices.

Those novice drivers are put thru a braking exercise to find the threshold of the brakes, once learned and after a little class room instruction, they are out on the track with the rest of the women with a grin on their face that was seen plainly under the helmets.

BMW, Porsche, Jaguar, Mini Cooper, Corvette, quite a range of cars that these women were having fun running the 2.25 mile track at Pacific Raceways.

For Don Kitch and those that are involved in putting this event together great job and that includes the safety and corner workers who watch over those on the track. Great time watching these ladies progress over the day to what I think surprised some of the driver’s on what they were really made of and how far they could push themselves. I look forward to the next time they are at the track.

Images are now available – click here to go to the photo album.

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